Free Credit Report
Get a free credit report. The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act gives every American the right to a free credit report every year. The following website allows you to view and print your free credit report quickly via a secure Internet site. You can also request the report by phone or mail (these will be processed within 15 days of receipt and take longer to receive).
Internet address: www.annualcreditreport.com
Toll-free number: (877) 322-8228
Mailing address:Annual Credit Reporting Service
P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281
A credit report does not tell the entire story but it is the first step in getting your financial situation resolved.
Debt Counseling
You are not eligible to file a bankruptcy unless you receive an individual or group briefing from an approved nonprofit budget and counseling agency that is approved by the court [click here]. That briefing must outline your opportunities for available credit counseling and assist you in performing a related budget analysis. It must occur within 180 days prior to filing the bankruptcy. It can take place on the internet or by telephone or in person.
Additionally you must complete a financial management class after you file. Failure to complete this class on time will result in you discharge of debts being denied. This means you will still owe all your debts. Following is a link connecting you to the providers. Click Here

Drowning In Debt?
Paying High Interest?
Harassed By Creditors?
Stressed Out By Your Finances?

Tell us about your situation, seek the professional advice you deserve.
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Attorney Jack J. Adams Earns 10.0 Superb Rating from Avvo
Attorneys Doney & Adams Elected Leaders in J. Reuben Clark Law Society, St. Louis Chapter
Will My Family and My Boss Know I Filed Bankruptcy?
Do I Have to Include All My Debts in My Bankruptcy?